
© Copyright

Apartments-Recidenz Ganthaler Ganthaler Heinrich

Hans-Guet-Street 15 – 39020 Rablà – Parcines

Merano – South Tyrol – Italy

Phone, Fax 0039 0473 967709

Handy + 39 3334463564


VAT Nr. 02626130211

Design, Konzeption und Fotos by

Kurt Tappeiner

Fotografie – Webdesign

m: +39 3477868939
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Data Protection


Appartment Ganthaler operates the website and thus serves as an information portal for visitors and local residents.


Appartment Ganthaler takes the protection of personal data very seriously. In the information provided below, we outline the measures we enact to protect your privacy and what exactly it entails when you use our personalized services.


Essentially, the protection of your privacy is of utmost importance for the Tourist Association Parcines along with Rablà and Tel. For this reason, the observance of the legal provisions in terms of data protection is a top priority for us. It is important for us that you know when we store any data and how we use it.


For questions and suggestions regarding data protection, we will be happy to address any concerns at the address


What is personal information?

Personal information about your identity includes information such as your first name, surname, address, mailing address, telephone number, mobile phone number, email address, and age.


Where is any personal information collected, and for what purpose?

We ask for your first name, surname, address, mailing address, telephone number, mobile phone number, e-mail address, age if applicable (if you are a child), whether you are looking for accommodation for a vacation period through the Tourist Association Parcines along with Rablà and Tel, and whether you would like to receive brochures. Therefore, the initial impulse is made by you, when you contact us. Your data helps us to provide you with a tailor-made holiday offer and to inform you about our holiday resorts by sending you brochures. By providing your data, you allow us to provide you with this service.


With your consent and the disclosure of your e-mail address, you authorize and allow us to send you the monthly newsletter of the Tourist Association Parcines, Rablà and Tel. Your data is stored on our server, which complies with all safety-related conditions and undergoes regular checks and maintenance. All information concerning your identity is only collected by us and not passed on to third parties, and not used in any way other than your request to us requires.


This also applies to registration for our events, which requires the submission of certain personal information on your part. Your personal data is used appropriately and lawfully for the processing of the above services, in order to inform you about new products and other offers.


Personal information and disclosure to third parties

Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties, unless you expressly provide us, verbally or in writing, with permission to disseminate this in order to perform the service you desire in a manner commensurate with its performance. This is done in connection with the contact (e.g. mountain / hiking guide), who will then arrange with you all the details for the booked event in order to be able to develop it to your satisfaction.


Opposition possibility: you have the right to submit your objection at any time. To do this, send an e-mail to We will note your objection immediately in our database. The smooth running of certain services requested by you (reservations) cannot be guaranteed in this case.


In regard to your personal information, we take the utmost care – thank you for your trust!


No liability for partner sites

We point out that the Tourist Association Parcines along with Rablà and Tel in conjunction with the tourism associations in South Tyrol West (IDM / DME West) and the umbrella portal Merano and Environs operate together. The Tourist Association Parcines along with Rablà and Tel accepts no responsibility or liability for any directly related policies and procedures on the part of our partners.


Right to alter policies

The Tourist Association Parcines along with Rablà and Tel reserves the right to change or alter the listed guidelines in regard to data protection regulations at any time.

If you have any questions, please contact us at



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